Ever since we were younger... if our Grams said it once she said it a million times...
"Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart"
any time she would se us she would remind us of the family anthem...
"Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart"
When we left her house she would say... "Boys don't forget"...
"Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart"
before we would get upset about something she would say...
"Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart"
if we WERE upset about something she would say...
"Put a smile on your face and a song in your heart"
if we were having a bad day she would say..."Now... Boys..."
"Put a smile on your face and a song in your heart"
Whenever Grams would send us cards or letter she would always include the abbreviation of the family anthem...
the true heart behind "Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart" was to remind us in all situation that we can find reasons to smile and that we can find a song to sing if we think hard enough.
It was to remind us to find the Joy in all situations in life even if its not always the brightest of days. it was to remind us to keep things light and joyful even through hard times. It was to remind us that "a joyful heart doeth good like a medicine". it was to remind us when we let the darkness get the best of us to STOP.. and change our minds and choose to see the light! it reminded us to always find a reason to laugh and to give others a reason to laugh.
here's a short story of a perfect example of how my grandmother shared the spirit of KASOYFAASIYH with others around her...
A week before her major back surgery at Michigan University Hospital she found something at the drug store that just tickled her funny bone. She laughed for days about what she was going to do the day she went into surgery. "I Love To Laugh" was something my grandmother said more than once, if not more than 100 times.
the day of her surgery arrived and as she was being wheeled out for surgery she put on these googly-eye glasses and as people would walk by she would jiggle her head to may the eyeballs on a spring go wild. some would walk by and pretend they didn't see... some would walk by and do a double take... eventually the whole floor of staff had heard to walk by the woman in room 4. the best reaction was from her anesthesiologist... he walked by, did a double take, started to continue walking but turned back to look at my grandmother one more time... then he burst into laughter and said.. "PSYCH EVALUATION ROOM 4 STAT!' and continued laughing as he walked off. this just tickled my grandmothers heart to no end, that even before a serious surgery, she could bring a laugh to so many people. so.. as you see in the picture above.... in true form of my grandmother's silly heart we were able to find 60 pairs of googly-eye glasses for her memorial service and we all had one great laugh in love and honor of our beloved matriarch.
as things got more intense WIth grama's Alzheimer's. my cousin and i decided it was time to put grama's saying to song... i wrote the lyrics and he found someone to put them to music... i hope you enjoy our family anthem put to music...